Dark Arts Astrophotography
Welcome to Dark Arts Astrophotography. First and foremost, this site is dedicated to showcasing my astrophotography and related services. Prints of my best photos as well as digital downloads for licenced use in your works will be made available over time.
But there’s more to this site than just a photo gallery and stuff for sale. My page originally started as just a blog, but over time evolved to include other content. Now, I aim to make it a valuable resource for aspiring astrophotographers and amateur astronomers alike.
What started as a diary of my astrophotography experiences has turned into more. It contains various articles from random musings product reviews and informative tutorials that beginners can follow with ease.
In the future, as time permits, I hope to be able to add more value to the blog with more content such as video tutorials.
Aurora Forecast
As an astrophotographer, the aurora is always something I’m keenly interested in. And of course, anyone can enjoy this fine sight.
Predicting aurora is always a challenge, but I provide a live information feed from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that includes predictions and the OVATION Map.
Astrophotography is a dark art in more ways than one. There’s a steep learning curve associated with almost every part of it that can be overwhelming to someone staring out.
I hope to be able to offer tutorials and how-to guides that can help answer the questions novices have, and seasoned astrophotographers alike.
Image Gallery
A collection of the images that I’ve taken over the years. While mostly focusing on the different types of astrophotography, I’ve also included a gallery of my more “conventional” photography.
These image galleries are linked to my Flickr account and will update automatically as I upload new content. If you have a Flickr account, I invite you to follow me.
Video Gallery
One of my favourite things to do is shooting time lapse photography. From the aurora dancing across the heavents, the Milky Way moving across the sky, to star trails forming their arcs and other videos.
These videos are sourced from my YouTube channel and this page updates automatically as I upload new content. Feel free to subscribe to my channel.
About advertising on this site
This page has ads via Google’s Adsense program. I offer the services on this web site for free, yet pay for the hosting and domain out of pocket. My photography is not a business per se, but rather a hobby and a passion. I happen to occasionally sell some of what I produce, but nowhere near enough to cover the costs of running this site.
I would appreciate if you could disable ad blocking software when browsing this site in order to help me generate a bit of ad revenue to pay for the operating costs. However, if you prefer the ad-free experience, then I understand.